Southwestern Music Therapy is the leader of full-spectrum music therapy services to meet your clinical, corporate, and wellness needs in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and throughout Texas.
Dallas-Fort Worth: (214) 227-1006 Houston: (972) 769-9999
Austin: (214) 227-1006 San Antonio: (214) 227-1006
Infants and Toddlers (ages 1 to 36 mos)
Poor eye contact.
Excessive drooling.
Feeding problems, colic, or reflux.
Seldom smiles or laughs. Slow language development.
Doesn’t appear to recognize familiar faces.
Low muscle tone.
Difficulty lifting head, or pushes back with head.
Slow to roll over, crawl, sit, stand, or walk.
Doesn’t like being on stomach.
Keeps hands fisted or lacks movement.
Startles easily, difficult to console, unusually fussy.
Stiff extremities, arches back and/or stiffens legs.
Resists being held; dislikes being cuddled.
Dislikes baths, sensitivity to loud noises, and food textures.
Startles easily.
Unable to settle down, sleep difficulties.
Loss or regression of skills once acquired.
Preschoolers (3 through 5 years)
Any of the previous, or:
Poor eye contact. Difficulty communicating. Limited language.
Picky eater.
Breaks toys or crayons easily.
Trouble coloring inside the lines, doing puzzles, or cutting with scissors.
Poor body awareness. Frequently bumps into objects or people.
Clumsy, trips and falls often. Underdeveloped motor skills for age.
Low muscle tone, appears weak or “floppy.”
Limited play preferences.
Avoids swings and other playground activities. Tires easily.
Shows fear when feet are off the ground or head is tipped backwards.
Walks on tiptoes. Appears stiff.
Jumps in place, flaps hands, and/or rocks in place to soothe self.
Seeks out excessive movement or avoids movement.
Avoids age appropriate self care or play activities.
Overreacts to touch, tastes, sounds, or odors.
Dislikes bathing, cuddling, self grooming and/or hair cuts.
Overly active, unable to settle down, has sleep difficulties. Trouble transitioning.
School-age (6 years & older)
Any of the previous, or:
Difficulty paying attention. Restless. Trouble sitting still.
Finds it hard to follow instructions, especially with multiple steps.
Needs more practice than other children to learn new skills.
Over-focused and resistant to shifting to the next task.
Delays in fine motor work. Messy handwriting.
Breaks pencils frequently, writes with heavy pressure.
Dislikes handwriting, tires quickly and/or avoids written class work.
Continues to reverse letters such as b and d; trouble spacing letters on the lines.
Low muscle tone, clumsy, tends to lean on arms or slumps at desk.
Does not enjoy jumping, swinging, or having feet off the ground.
Avoids physical education and/or sports activities.
Overly active, unable to slow down.
Over reacts to touch, taste, sounds or odors.
Dislikes bathing, hugs, and haircuts.
Sensitive to tags, seams, and fabrics.
Hard to make friends, prefers playing with adults or younger children.
Poor self-esteem, lack of self-confidence.